
日本特有の演歌のメロディーに、POPS のリズム・コー ド感を融合させた Mebius が生み出す新たな世界 “演 歌-POP”。

 A sister Duo “Mebius”
A new world of music “Enka-Pop” that Mebius produces has a feeling of rhythm cord of pop music fuse in a Japanese traditional music “Enka” 


祖父は民謡師範、両祖母は日本舞踊・書道家、母は演歌 歌手という環境で育った姉妹。 演歌の名曲たちを二人のハーモニーで奏で着物で踊る という今までにないスタイルで、日本の伝統と共に和モ ダンな音楽を繰り広げる。

A grandfather of the sisters is a Japanese folk song instructor, both grandmothers have deep knowledge of Japanese dance and calligraphy,and their mother is an Enka singer. The sisters have been raised in such an interesting surrounding and their love to Japan and Japanese tradition is huge. Their music has a Japanese spirit of the human touch and they will show you a new world of tune which has both traditional and modern Japanese mixture.
The sisters also send an amazing harmony of guitar and piano.